• Business Intelligence  IBM Planning Analytics Express Cognos

    comprehensive solution for reporting and enterprise planning


A solution independent of the existing information sources

  • The basic datasource is always the enterprise information system used, we can build our solution over any enterprise information system
  • In addition, we process other additional datasources and perform data integration in a data warehouse


Long-term experience with the IBM COGNOS platform

  • we’ve been working on the Business Intelligence solution for over 20 years, since 2000 we’ve been offering our solution exclusively on the IBM Cognos tools
  • our long-term orientation at IBM Cognos software provides customers with the guarantee of delivering cutting-edge software of a leading world company
  • we transfer our long-term know-how in working with Cognos software to our customers in the form of both standard and focused training


Independence from supplier

  • we offer BI solutions built on standard software tools, this safeguards independence from the supplier
  • IBM has a wide network of partners in the Czech Republic, the customer is not dependent on a single implementation partner
  • The scope of cooperation always depends on the customer, from custom-made solution to just providing consultations and training


Who the system is intended for

Business Intelligence Cognos is intended for all those who:

years with Cognos

BI projects

  • always require up-to-date and true information for management and decisionmaking

  • want to have “one version of the truth” in the company not only for key decisions 

  • cannot waste precious time by collecting, consolidating and analysing information

  • are interested in building and strengthening their competitive advantage

What we offer

Business Intelligence Cognos is a comprehensive solution for the management of enterprise performance. It consists of two basic areas: Business Intelligence (reporting) and Performance Management (enterprise planning).

Both parts can be delivered and realized simultaneously or gradually, or, alternatively, only reporting or planning can be realized independently. Everything is implemented using software tools of IBM Cognos. In terms of functionality and price, our customers feel most comfortable using the software product Cognos Express, a modular product configured in accordance with the customers’ needs. The product is fully localized to the Czech environment.

The delivery and implementation of BI Cognos can be divided into the following parts:

  • Processing of the BI implementation project
  • Delivery and installation of Cognos Express software
  • Creating data infrastructure and data storage
  • Creating data cubes for individual areas solved
  • Creating reports and manager dashboards
  • Creating the planning model
  • Consultation, training, helpesk

Analytical applications – reporting areas

In the BM Cognos Express environment, we develop own analytical applications (reports) for all areas of enterprise management. In each BI project, the functionality of applications is adjusted and extended according to the customer’s specific conditions and requirements:

Cognos Express Performance Management (planning)

The software product Cognos Express Performance Management is intended for planning, budgeting and forecasts. The creation of plans is flexible and transparent, the possibility to create versions of plans enables responding to the current market development with clear impact on the changes that have taken place. The whole planning enterprise cycle can be fully customized according to concrete conditions in each organization.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence systems belong to the group of systems for decisionmaking support. These systems process data from internal and external operational systems of organizations and provide it in a suitable aggregated form to users, who use them to make decisions of an operational, tactical or strategic significance. The Cognos Express software tools provide company managers with accurate and timely information needed by managerial staff to make decisions and run companies.

Each company has a tremendous potential in the data collected in the course of its business, be it internal data, information about customers or anything else. Using the Cognos Express software, it is possible to create from this data various reports with charts, tables and dashboards according to defined parameters. Easier reporting implementation of will also be enabled by our set of pre-prepared reporting kits for individual areas of enterprise management (business, purchase, warehouses, manufacturing, finance, receivables, human resources); everything is based on experience obtained in BI projects with other customers.

Data warehouse as BI tool

According to a simple definition, a data warehouse involves the collection and use of data originating from various enterprise applications or external sources.  From the more professional point of view, a data warehouse is a controlled periodic copying of data from various sources inside the organization and its environment into an environment optimized for analyses and information processing, able to overcome platform, application, organizational and other barriers.

A data warehouse, therefore, represents an integration element in the business; it can be said with certain overstatement that it is an “archive” of selected data, i.e. data extracted from various sources in order to implement the required informative capacity of the data storage.

Even in a business with well-established information technologies, creating and effective commissioning of a data warehouse is not a trivial process. It requires specific field knowledge, the selection of an optimum solution out of many possibilities, as well as overall organizational handling of the project, including the training of the staff to successfully utilize the potential of the solution introduced.

The term central data warehouse (also enterprise data warehouse) refers to an integrated, object-oriented, change-resistant, time-variable collection of detailed data.

A central data warehouse is the “heart” of the enterprise architecture for the support of decisionmaking. By building a central data warehouse, each organization gains a unique source of detailed enterprise-wide data.

The data storage architecture brings the following:

  • well-monitored environment
  • creating one place ensuring data quality                                
  • minimization of interface between the production and BI environment                                   
  • providing enterprise-wide view of the data
  • reduction of HW and SW costs
  • reduction of data redundancy


Over the 15 let years of our work on BI solutions on the Cognos tools, we have successfully realized over 60 BI projects in leading manufacturing and business organizations. Our most significant references are described in detail in the form of case studies.



ČEPOS - Česká potravinářská obchodní a.s.

Družstevní závody Dražice - strojírna s.r.o.

Elektrizace železnic Praha a. s.

EMOS spol. s r.o.

HYZA a.s.


KOVOKON Popovice s.r.o.

Kubík a.s.

PENAM, a.s.


RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.

SAPELI, a.s.

Sonepar Česká republika spol. s r.o.

T Machinery a.s.

Related products

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